Monday, May 18, 2009

What's the deal with marriage?

Miami Beach Gay Pride - Couple that has been together for 65 years

So normally every Monday, I talk about a new web app or gadget but this Monday is special. I feel like talking about a social trend rather than a social web trend. Now for all my tech followers, definitely checkout a new seo tool in beta called Linkscape You can view basic stats for free and I think it's one of the nicer tools out there.

But enough about technology, lets talk about marriage. Ever since I graduated college, I feel like my facebook feed is full of weddings, cakes, bridesmaids, engagement photos, bachlorette parties (or at least the clean photos), and more talk about getting engaged, married and of course babies.

I don't get it. I never have and I keep wondering as I get older if I ever will. Now I'm all about finding true love and that special someone to spend the rest of your life with but are we really programmed for marriage? In a society that can't even sit through commercials without flippin channels or tvio'ing their favorite shows. Do people really want to get married till death do them part.

It just seems like a really big commitment not to mention a really long time. Back in the 1920s - till death do us part was like till you were 55* or even earlier. Now with people living into their 80s that's 30 more years with the same person. And yes, I do realize people got married in their teenage years but that's only about 10 years different that most of my friends getting married in their early twenties.

Now, don't get me wrong - weddings can be fun, bachlorette parties even more fun and getting together with your closest friends and family to dance, drink and celebrate an American tradition makes for a great weekend, but I still find myself questioning how so many people are caught up in 1) wanting to be married 2) wanting to be part of all their friends weddings and/or 3) setting restrictions such as I have to be married by 30.

Since this is probably my one and only blog about marriage, I am going to have to weigh in on gay marriage as well. My view is simple. GLBT members should have the same rights granted by marriage (common law or legal) and it should be their choice to get married or not. Now again I don't think rainbow cakes and the best linen table cloths in the world (you know how we do), can change the same fate that straight people are locking into BUT I will say that GLBT should have the same rights - no question about it.

Now, I know there are many couples that have stayed happily married for many, many years. In fact, there are many gay couples who stay together as long as hetro couples ie my picture of a couple Peter and George who have been together for 65 years - now that's impressive. I thank Facebook and all the social networking status, picture-loading, alert tools out there for the constant reminder about how everyone's getting married and I'd better jump on the bandwagon and start trying to figure out my something old, new and blue.

In closing, I want to say I am happy for all current and future brides and grooms. I do wish you the best and 50+ years of passion and love.


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